By Anonymous Patriots,

Their worldwide QinetiQ, SERCO and DARPA communications centers & funding must be taken out
All their US contracts with QinetiQ and SERCO must be cancelled for fraud and treason
U.S. Treasury should immediately impound all funds of the Coronavirus perpetrators at Wellcome Trust, Pirbright Institute, SERCO, QinetiQ, IBM, Cisco, Microsoft, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Facebook, Google, AstraZeneca, Merial, Boehringer Mannheim, Sanofi, Pfizer, Novartis and others who have conspired with the Pilgrims Society, SES and DARPA to build bioweapons to attack the human genome
Since their founding 120 years, the secret Anglo-American Pilgrims Society, Wellcome Trust, Marconi Wireless and the Empire Press Union (creators of MI6, MI5 and GCHQ) have been testing deadly viruses on human beings not to heal, but to destroy humanity (e.g., foot and mouth, Spanish flu, Ebola, AIDS, SARS, MERS, anthrax, sarin, Hong Kong flu, swine flu, bird flu, zika, yellow fever, encephalitis, West Nile, diphtheria, malaria, Coronavirus COVID-19)
To these satanists, viruses are their silent armies marching through our blood streams to destroy humanity in order to make more room for them
Are they worried about catching the virus? No, they have a patent and already have the antidote
(MAR. 16, 2020)—This is one of the most important posts we have ever released. In the last 48 hours—just as the Coronavirus lock down was occurring in the US—researchers uncovered the likely culprits behind the Coronavirus bioweapon.
Despite the obvious U.S. Patent. No. 10,130,701 held by The Pirbright Institute (UK) operated by The Wellcome Trust, no one in the mainstream media is talking about this glaring fact. Even the alt-media is mute. We believe because the culprits are using every propaganda trick in their playbook to prevent a light being shined on the British Privy Council and the Queen.
China has been blamed, sort of, although the specifics are vague. We have shown that just a four-hour drive from Wuhan is Nanchang and the Merial Animal Health Institute manufacturing vaccines for The Pirbright Institute.
The decision by The Pirbright Institute (Wellcome Trust) to move their Merial Health vaccine manufacturing plant offsite was taken after a virulent foot and mouth outbreak at their Merial plant.
On Oct. 12, 2009, Merial moved their plant to Nanchang, China and slapped a new “Boehringer Mannheim “shingle on their Merial Pirbright UK plant, then carried on merrily. Same plant, different name, same controller: Wellcome Trust.
This means the British have, right now, a Merial (Wellcome Trust) vaccine manufacturing plant just four hours away from Coronavirus ground zero. But, why is no one pointing out this obviously suspicious FACT. All it would take to release the Coronavirus in Wuhan is for an employee at Merial to get in the car a vile of Coronavirus vile, and sprinkle it around in Wuhan.

Better yet, send a 5G signal in Wuhan (a 5G test city) to instruct Coronavirus nanotubes developed by just indicted Harvard Professor and popular Wuhan University of Technology nanotechnology lecturer Dr. Charles Lieber to release their deadly Coronavirus microbe payloads. See previous post.
The Wellcome Trust chair was Baroness Elizabeth Lydia Manningham-Buller, the former director of British MI5 (2002-2007). Her mother was GCHQ. Her father was Privy Council, Attorney General and Solicitor General, with a “Bullying Manner.” She is an eighth-generation peer.
That’s not all, Manningham-Buller also chaired Genome Research Limited (2008-2015), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wellcome Trust.

That’s not all, Manningham-Buller also chaired Genome Research Limited (2008-2015), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wellcome Trust.
In Oct. 2013, Baronness Manningham-Buller was the keynote speaker at the Pilgrims of Great Britain London at the Sir Harry Brittain Memorial Lecture. Sir Harry Brittain was the founder of the Pilgrims Society (with about 50 British peers including Viscount Alfred Milner and Winston Churchill) in 1902. MI5, MI6 and GCHQ were founded from newspapermen who attended the Pilgrims’ First Imperial Press Conference, 1909. Given her father’s membership in the Privy Council and her Wellcome Trust intimacies, her membership in the Privy Council and the Pilgrims Society are certain.
Operating from the same Wellcome Genome Campus is Genomics England Limited (controlled by the Queen’s Golden Share).
Of particular note are two Genomics England director-chairs:
Sir John Alexander Raymond Chisholm (2013-2019) and
Sir Jonathan Richard Symonds (2013-present).

We have already written about Sir Chisholm’s formation of QinetiQ (when SERCO moved into the U.S.) and the fact that former C.I.A. director George Tenet, and former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Edmund P. Giambastiani Jr. were QinetiQ directors. QinetiQ has been awarded over $8 billion in U.S. contracts in space, satellites, information technology, military and government agencies. See previous post.
QinetiQ has received over $8.5 billion U.S. federal contracts. (PDF | Excel-downloads directly to your Downloads folder).
SERCO has received over $9.5 billion U.S. federal contracts. PDF | Excel-downloads directly to your Downloads folder)

While our research zeroed in long ago on the Anglo-American Pilgrims Society as the actual “Deep State” globally, and while we have gotten tantalizingly close to find this person, his or her name has alluded us.
Now we have found him: Sir Jonathan Richard Symonds.
On Sep. 01, 2019, Symonds was appointed chairman of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Plc, the successor to Glaxo Wellcome.
GSK is strategically aligned with Wellcome Trust where former MI5 director Manningham-Buller is the current chair.
Symonds has been a director of HSBC Holdings plc since 2014-just months after James Comey left an HSBC directorship to become FBI director. He has been HSBC deputy group chair since 2018, he was also chair of HSBC Bank plc (2014-2018) until just recently.
HSBC has been a major Clinton Foundation donor.
Symonds was also chief financial officer of drug manufacturer Novartis AG (2009-2013).
Prior to Novartis, Symonds was managing director of Goldman Sachs (2007-2009).
Symonds was also chief financial officer of AstraZeneca PLC (1997-2007).
Here is the lynchpin that shows Symonds is the organizational Deep Throat of the Anglo-American Pilgrims Society. He was director and audit chair of the newly-formed QinetiQ (Feb. 28, 2003-Jun. 30, 2004)
Symonds was QinetiQ’s second director just long enough to set up the chart of accounts and the share stock structure giving the Monarch’s Special Share (“Golden Share”) control of the company no matter how many sub-classes of stock were established.
QinetiQ shares property with The Pirbright Institute (Wellcome Trust), the patent holder of the Coronavirus financed by Wellcome Trust and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. See also Coronavirus Traced to the British Crown.
Our latest discovery that Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller, former head of MI5 (2002-2007), is chair of Wellcome Trust and their related DNA-harvesting research associates, further confirms that the Anglo-American Pilgrims Society are making their move to dramatically reduce the world population by attacking our blood streams
Their secret global communications network is being managed by the Anglo-American Pilgrims Society that is protected by the British Privy Council and the American Senior Executive Service (SES)
They operate a secret global satellite system for themselves out of the Cobbett Hill Earthstation adjacent to The Pirbright Institute (UK)—on the site of the 2007 foot and mouth outbreak (READ: There are demons in those fields)
Yes, this is hard to believe, but these facts are now screaming for us to pay attention.
We have our blessed countries and beautiful world to save.
Betsy and Thomas had a few things to say about M, Q, James Bond, and the Queen. Listen to audio below:
Audio Player
Raw video file:
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
According to the information released few days ago by Dr.Wolfgang Wodarg about 15% of all respiratory diseases are corona viruses. I have seen corona viruses detected by biofeedback computerized testing in some of my patients. It means many of us already have natural immunity to C.V. Human organism is similar to computer – babies are born with NO immune system, clean, like you buy a computer without software. To learn how to fight against disease they have to get all bacteria and viruses and let stem sell release phages to break down RNA of invader to read and learn how to fight agains similar invader next time. The process requires fever, that’s why fever is your friend. When you get over viral invasion you get you software installed successfully. The whole idea about success getting over ANY viruses is to support your own immune system, not by vaccination. The best way I have known is homeopathy. The energy released by the homeopathic substance is 100 000 faster and effective than any vitamin C injections. That’s why homeopathic remedies widely and purposely criticized. In reality it is fast and effective as miracle. Homeopaths never panic during epidemics because they have substances that works wonder against any viruses, including HIV, Covid, MRSA…
What is your best recommendations for babies under 1 year? I have a few cousins that have babies under 7 mo and they do not vaccinate their children. What can boost their system?
Olive leaf extract (OLE) is the best natural thing, even beats measles etc. Colloidal silver (high quality only), mass doses of vitamin b complex and vitamin c with the first 2 and all the kids should be pretty safe. Lots of good info on a page called Health Impact News…
Tell them to do their own research, never take the word of internet randoms…
Vaccines are made with the tissues of animals because they contain viruses that can be genetically manipulated. Coronavirus which also exists in humans (because of unclean environmental conditions of many centuries, exacerbated by the eating of animals and the dark energies of rape – war, for instance – dumped into female bodies to weaken Humanity) create a compatible environment for diseases. Add stresses, fear and beliefs that counter the ever present healthy immune system and we become temporarily challenged. Our beliefs determine what happens next because our bodies make natural antibodies with which to destroy the viruses,, assisted by the sun’s rays and it’s heat that activate our glands and stimulate our immune systems. (That is, if we have not allowed our modern medical to destroy our immune systems with chemical antibiotics that continue to create antibiotic resistant bugs, but there are natural solutions for that too, not found in modern medicine. (We are the solution not a magic pill. Herbs and blood cleansers yes because mother nature has a natural solution for everything out of balance.)
We are natural transmuters of energies until we are talked into believing we are powerless. (When we eat, we change the energies of the food to create healthy bodies – transmuting.) The choice is ours, do we look for solutions (“ask and you shall receive”) or do we fall for the agendas of the dark forces who are losing their power over us, as they lose control of the Earth and Her people.