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Monthly Archives: March 2021

The Event – by Universal Forces

 Part of a series of articles posted on universalforces.space: This article is a compilation of important information about The Event, Starseeds and the Ascension Process...

Critical Thinking Is Dangerous! Read Less to Learn More!

From Amazing Polly:"We've reached peak inversion as 'experts' teach students NOT to read if they want to learn more. They say research is dangerous...

Pfizer Bullies Nations to Put Up Collateral for Lawsuits

Story at-a-glancePfizer is demanding countries put up sovereign assets, including bank reserves, military bases and embassy buildings, as collateral for expected vaccine injury...

Two United States Constitutions – 1789 – 1871

Anyone who digs through American history can find the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, when the Crown/Vatican/Swiss Banking Cabal set up to...

Testimony of a Fighter in the Storm

Interesting interview from Elena Danaan:This ultimate war for the liberation of Mankind is fought on many fronts, realms and densities at the same time....

Spain: Second Pfizer Shots Halted After 46 Nursing Home Residents Die...

LOS BARRIOS, SPAIN — The Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Our Lady of the Rosary) nursing home is reeling due to mass deaths after mRNA...

Wingless — An Article on Transhumanism

 Article By Angela S. FlintFebruary 21, 2021The following is my - interpretation - of information found in recent research on transhumanism.  I encourage people...

Isis & Cobra – The Goddess Spiral Meditations

“Dear Ones! Listening and meditating on The Goddess Spiral CD you are receiving Goddess Isis blessings through the Key of life, as a Breath...

Fauci Face a CGI ? – Computer Generated Imagery

This is very strange indeed.Check it out for yourself:      Fauci Face

Trump Assassination Attempt — NEW DETAILS SUGGEST DRONE

As reported last month, a would-be assassin’s bullet struck but did not penetrate Trump’s bedroom window while he slept during the early morning hours...

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