From our friend

There is a substantial portion who are fully vaccinated for Covid-19 who are also against the experimental drug mandates.  The reason for this is because the CDC is already stating that people may not be considered fully vaccinated in the future unless they receive booster shots.  Many who decided to get inoculated did so with the understanding that “Ok, this is just a one-time deal.  Once I get this over with, I won’t have to do it ever again.”  Yet, when various employers state that employees must be fully vaccinated, this entails getting the booster shot in the future for continued employment, and also subsequent shots after the booster shots for continued employment.

As I’ve stated before, Israel is a glimpse into the future for the United States (and much of the rest of the world) regarding the experimental drugs.  In Israel, people will no longer be considered fully vaccinated without getting the booster shot:

Israel is also discussing a fourth shot:

Israel’s situation is what awaits the United States and much of the rest of the world if the current course is not reversed.  Many fully vaccinated people know this, and they are not pleased.  This is why many fully vaccinated people are joining forces with the unvaccinated to resist the experimental drug mandates.  It’s absolutely beautiful to see people uniting against their common enemy!  As for the United States, I guess Biden’s proposed unity came true! 😁

Also, around 15,000 people die from starvation every day in the world.  Over the last 20 months since Covid-19 began, at 15,000 deaths from starvation per day, this is over 9 million deaths.  Millions more people died of starvation than Covid-19, but now they want to give the entire world booster shots?  Seems a bit… backward.  Very backward indeed.


  1. With mostly smiles, and sounds of purring from my two delightful kittens, Thorin and Meis, now 3,5 months old, there are moments, when the intensity of suffering, in fear, chaos, and confusion, hits me like a brick. My tears run and my heart aches, both help each other to let it go, and I feel the cleansing happening, the tension leaving my body. After a few minutes I take a tissue and sit with my kittens, which look searchingly into my eyes, for they feel something is different. That happened when they saw me crying for the first time. They're like little children, who are alert to that kind of change.
    When I enter my living room in winter outfit, coat, gloves, hat, shawl, my kittens run to all hiding spaces, after looking alarmed. When I begin to take off all these coverings, and they hear my voice, they show up slowly, carefully, until they know "Oh, it's her! The hands that feed us. She's home! Come on, let's eat!"😁

  2. Yes, I agree, I believe I've shed my tears for the most part, until the start of autumn. There's geat calm inside now, with confidence. Prepared for what's coming out of the global birth canal, metaphorically speaking.
    My two kittens are such great company, brother and sister, very different characters, and great friends in playfight and naps, which are plenty 😉🐱🐱

  3. first jab, you get a certificat, second jab you get a diploma and third's jab you have a PHD, of course in this case PHD mean Person Has Die, maybe a bit sarcastic, c'est la vie…….

    • Oh, I enjoy a bit of sarcasm, at times, no problem. Your comment is published. The present phase of the pandemic is one of madness, and those that need to know, begin to know. Although no one is yet allowed to say that the Emperor has no clothes on. In The Netherlands, last week, we had the highest number of SARS-Cov-2patients in hospital, compared to the most severe period of last year 2020.
      The decision is made to introduce booster shots as soon as possible now. We count our blessings. If I'm allowed to be sarcastic too.🙄 But, to me, it's certain that the wheels are coming off the bus.

  4. Good contribution, Starry Light, that's exactly what's beginning in The Netherlands too, people being fed up more and more with the vaccination protocols. Most people I meet, neighbours and shop employees, show their question marks about the vaccines NOT preventing what one should be protected from. I remember Judy Mikovits' words when she said "The vaccines are the virus" and she said this after explaining how and to what effect the vaccines would work in the human body.
    This seems to come true now, and this is one of the characteristics of a stealth-war, in repetition mode.

    Last week, an explosive presentation by one of the critical party leaders, Thierry Baudet, from the Party for Freedom and Democracy, the parliament was in flames of fury, attacking him for comments on a famous footballer who died of cardiac arrest after receiving vaccination shortly before the game. Thierry isn't a diplomat, on the contrary, and he commented "Oh, that's due to vaccination".

    Well, you could say he was asking for flak, for several members of parliament interrupted Thierry's presentation, accusing him of making a sarcastic comment on this footballer's death, with disrespect for the footballer's family, and pretending to be a doctor. It was intriguing to watch how a punctual and factual presentation of the facts related to the pandemic, triggered sentimental journeys in those listening, showing up as accusations, using rude terms, wishing him to go disappear in the Earth's surface.

    One Turkish member was particularly vehement, trying to educate Thierry, that making fun of someone's death was inappropriate, that death was final and should be dealt with in a sacred way. That he treated the footballer's family very bad with that remark of his. She was seething with anger, and the chair had to interrupt her, reminding her to NOT play on the person, but keep focusing on the subject in this debate.

    At the same time, Thierry received that reminder too, for he can't seem to throw in conclusions in his presentation that are half humorous and half rude. His schoolboy manners are refreshing, reminding me of that little boy in the fairy tale of The Emperor's New Clothes" standing in the crowd when the parade passed by, shouting "But the Emperor has no clothes on!" Thierry could be a force to reckon with when he grew up and learn when to shut up, and be silent. He needs a pull on his ears!

    The minister of health and national wellfare, Hugo de Jonge, is always fiddling on his tablet, never watching or showing attention, when this subject is discussed, by Thierry, or others who express critical remarks on this subject. It was hilarious, at times, for Thierry, at some point, shouted at Hugo "Hugo, are you listening?", after which the chair told Thierry to address the minister with his official title. Etc… etc… this is the teneur of discussions in our parliament. A Monty Python show?

    We're now in a partial lockdown again, since… this very day, Nov. 6th. Facemasks are mandatary again in all interior public places, proof of vaccination is mandatory on terraces now also, and a large percentage of our population in The Netherlands must work at home. Hopefully it'll be less busy on the roads! Three times I've visited a café, while proof of vaccination should be given, where the employees didn't think about asking for it. And so, I enjoyed my coffee and carrot cake, paid for it and left. From today forward, control will increase, I assume.

    Some pubs are easy going, not making too much fuss about it, especially when the venue is spacious, like in the café of the garden center where I volunteer. While some shop managers are panicky, wild eyed, when I request entrance with my shawl over my nose and mouth, forgetting my facemask. "When we let you in we're at risk of having to close the shop" they say. My goodness!

    • Oh, I forgot to explain why The Netherlands is in a partial lockdown. The number of cases is rising to a point where too many beds on IC's in hospitals are used, with shortage of medical staff, especially during the night-watching. Nurses have left their job when not taking the vaccines, see?
      There's a certain level of cases where measures are chosen, and so we're forced to obey to a most ridiculous protocol, where the vaccines cause the rise in numbers, and fill hospital beds, causing enormous stress on the workfloor, while we're supposed to co-operate in the government's slogan "Together, we beat Corona". Fiddlesticks! Poppycock! We're forced to live a lie. Keep breathing, Devon!

        • Thank you, Starry Light, since I'm not joining street protests and marshes, I'm not informed about them. I do know that the number of vaccinations rose high this weekend, after the new measures were announced, those I mentioned in my former comment.
          What this shows, is that the reactions of Dutchies who choose vaccination, are based on fear, with a flavour of "doing good" for the benefit of all.
          That's been a slogan to promote vaccination here. Oh how the devil grins.

      • I wrote this post:

        It's ok to be upset. Cry. Let it out. It's ok. ❤️

        • Yes, I agree, I believe I've shed my tears for the most part, until the start of autumn. There's geat calm inside now, with confidence. Prepared for what's coming out of the global birth canal, metaphorically speaking.
          My two kittens are such great company, brother and sister, very different characters, and great friends in playfight and naps, which are plenty 😉🐱🐱

          • I became really emotional yesterday. I usually don't cry but I burst into tears. Good to be ready. Say hi to the cats!


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