The Ascension Connection Invites You to a Public Call

Thursday, August 11, 2022
Join us at 10 am Pacific / 1pm Eastern – 5pm UTC / 7pm Brussels

The Holy Grail
With Guest Speaker Claudio Silvaggi

Is it possible to find the “Holy Grail”?
Is it a person, place, animal, or thing?
What would you do if you re-found it?
Would you be the only one?
Would you share it?
Now what?

It’s all about love…

Our guest speaker, Claudio Silvaggi, is a metaphysical astrologist whose passion led him to find the analogous truth of what is written in the stars, the Egyptian Walls and texts, and every interpretation in the astrological book called the Bible.  Through these discoveries, Claudio has learned there is only one destination… one Love…

Join us as he shows us the breadcrumbs our foremothers and forefathers left for us to rediscover.  These breadcrumbs define the who, what, where, when, why and how of the Holy Grail.

“Doors are opening, and its invigorating to pass through them with you all…”


iyoutome – The Holy Grail (YouTube video)

Claudio Silvaggi’s YouTube channel

Time zone converter for your convenience is here.

Below you can find the zoom link to join!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Meeting ID: 838 7511 8791
Passcode: 051259

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Meeting ID: 838 7511 8791
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The purpose of the Ascension Connection call is to connect with others and create a cosmic community of like-minded individuals. The calls provide a safe space to share opinions and experiences on higher dimensional topics and are intended to empower people to create a new, harmonious society with love, well-being, unity, and balance.

To fulfil that purpose, we ask that you adhere to our zoom guidelines during the meeting. Keep you mics on mute to prevent background noise from disturbing the speaker. Hold your questions and comments until the speaker or host invite conversation from the viewers.  Use the raise hand feature and wait till you are chosen to speak.

Please show up appropriately clothed if you plan on having your camera on. Turn it off when taking care of personal business such as bathroom breaks, getting dressed and if you are moving about.  It’s quite distracting and… occasionally embarrassing!

If you are new to Zoom, here is an easy  zoom tutorial to get your started.




Rising Phoenix Digital Art - Rising Phoenix by Visual Darkness

Phoenix Rising from the Ashes – Art by Mike Hrubovcak

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

Next articleIRS Is Hiring New Employees — Including Armed and Fit Federal Agents “Willing to Use Deadly Force”
Rev. Kat Carroll
I've been interested in all things related to metaphysics, parapsychology, spirituality and anything related to space since childhood. I'm the kid who used to let the Jehova Witness and Mormans into the house so I could ask a million questions. I've always wanted to be of service and ended up working as an EMT and later in law enforcement. A family job transfer lead me to Washington State for 5 years where I went back to studying spiritual phenomenon and meeting some fascinating people. I've had several initiations, was taught energy healing and became certified in Reiki III over the final 3 years. I had a larger awakening and understanding of how it Reiki worked, remote sensing and more after returning to CA in 2001. I love researching and now writing and being a spokesperson for benevolent contact with NHIB through the practice of meditation. I experienced a spontaneous healing and not long after the "quickening" of 12/21/2012, began having more paranormal experiences, including seeing the UFOs, and orbs that fly over at night. I'm also a volunteer /Admin for ETLetsTalk and love teaching others how to make that connection that I know will one day lead us out of the darkness and into a brighter future.


  1. the cut-n-paste generation. A dab of this, a smattering of that. All rolled into some guy's New Model of Reality.

    His time clock is a based on the Uniformitarian model: the earth has always been here ticking away at the same rate for millions of years; the solar system has never changed; the day's length and the year's length have always been the same, same as the positions of the starry constellations.

    This is more Hopium BUNKUM for those who can't read even history for the past 4000 years. Some astrologer. The ancients had to redo their star charts as the number of days changed due to interactions with Mars and Venus. Which also brought the high civilization of the Bronze Age to a dead halt, cities burned to the ground, tsunamis destroyed the coastal Mediterranean cities, drought spread, wandering tribes of devastated people roamed the countryside. Languages were altered, mankind underwent electro-shock.

    We are entering again such a period of increasing electrical energy inflow from cosmos. The galactic superwave is lapping at our shores. People are losing it. Reality is a standing wave hologram that feels "solid" to us, actors in the Dream of God. When it starts fluctuating and wavering, we get high, reality starts changing frequency stations, the personality being a construct (a useful aspect of astrology), we find ourselves navigating the space between the Lego modules of our constructed "reality." enjoy the trip.

    During such periods many people feel an inner stirring, and their fantasies/fears/shadow comes to the surface. It IS a higher dimensional "voice" but this does not make them the prophet they think they are.

    And so you will see those who dream of themselves as Teacher announcing their revelations and New Systems. Like this guy, they can throw everything together in a patchwork quilt. Take it with more than a grain of salt. Take it metaphorically.

    The higher increasing cosmic energies will stir you up, get you high, and sure enough, many will "ascend," i.e., leave the body…i.e….die, as that is the natural ascension we all go through. Every soul that leaves the body with some degree of self-awareness is a "phoenix."

    It's the Cosmic Alchemical process of sublimating essence from the corpus. You never were this body acting as remote lander in the 3D dimension.
    There is always and has been the return Star Trek and Star Tek
    the UFO overhead is your Higher Self.

    Transporter room: Beam Us Up!


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