By Hostess Melissa:

Supernatural Dreams

Many people around the world have experienced “supernatural” dreams.  Examples of “supernatural” dreams include:

  • Premonition Dreams. Dreams in which the dreamer has a vision of a future event which later becomes true.
  • Telepathic Dreams. When the dreamer receives communication about a person or an event occurring elsewhere without the dreamer’s waking knowledge. After the dreamer awakes, details of the dream are verified to be true.
  • Shared Dreams/Communion Dreams. When different people have the same dream at approximately the same time.
  • Visitation Dreams. Dreams in which a recently deceased family, friend, romantic partner, or pet appear. These dreams are often vivid, loving, instructive, and sometimes life-changing.
  • Lucid Dreams. Dreams in which you are aware that you are dreaming and your conscious mind is able to take control of the deam
  • Astral Travel Dreams. These experiences can happen in a dream or a meditative state and they are where your soul’s astral body leaves the physical body and travels to other places and dimensions.

Please join us at the Ascension Connection call this Thursday, May 20th to have a discussion about supernatural dreams.  Have you had any of these experiences?  The call will start promptly at 12pm CDT or 6pm BST London Time (GMT +1), but if you’d like to hop on 15-20 min earlier to have an informal chat to connect further with other like-minded people, please do!

The purpose of the Ascension Connection call is to connect with others and create a cosmic community of like-minded individuals. The calls provide a safe space to share opinions and experiences on higher dimensional topics and are meant to empower people to create a new harmonious society with love, well-being, unity and balance.

If you’d like to join us, please email [email protected] with your request for the zoom information and it will be sent to you.  Hope to see you there! Also, if you have suggestions on topics for future calls, we’d love to hear them.




In order to maintain a smooth, distraction-free Zoom call, we ask that you familiarize yourself with the Zoom platform. If this is your first time on Zoom, don’t worry. We were all new at one time!


  1. Upon entering the room, please mute your mic. This will help eliminate background noise, feedback, or other distortions that can disrupt the flow of communication. Please keep your mic muted until it is your turn to speak. If able, please have your video on.
  2. If you have a concern, please type it in the chat box and one of our volunteers will assist you. Sometimes emotions might be triggered during a call. If you are experiencing this, please mention it in the chat so we may create a separate room for you and one of our volunteers to have a safe, private place to talk.
  3. Questions/comments pertaining to the topic of discussion need to be verbalized and not placed in the chat. If you would like to contribute to the topic of discussion, please raise your hand physically and/or use the raise hand feature within the app. If you raise your hand using the app feature, please be sure to lower it after your question is answered. You can do this by clicking on the “hand” icon. If your hand has been raised and you still have not been acknowledged, please mention this in the chat so a volunteer may assist.
  4. Please keep your shares around 2 minutes so everybody may have the opportunity to contribute to our discussion.
  5. Please be respectful in your communications.
  6. In our efforts to preserve the privacy and security of all participants, we do not record and share our discussions. We are still living in a 3D matrix; publicizing our participants may adversely affect their livelihood.



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