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Edward Morgan

Edward Morgan
"Whatever The Question, Love Is The Answer"

Ascension – Preparing For What’s Yet To Come: The Event.

by Parinya Champ,It’s coming and it’s coming fast, are your mind and body ready for the event?Ascension—we’ve been hearing and studying this most mysterious...

The Big Wave of High Dimensional Frequencies is NOW Coming Through!

The Big Wave will unleash the Truth and this will stir Chaos in the old paradigm. However, the chaos is good because it will...

“Globalist Are Paedophiles” Practices And Beliefs

One doesn’t need to be an investigative journalist or a serious researcher to realize that human traits like virtue, morality, dignity, integrity, righteousness, honor,...

Obama gives $38 billion to Israel as Americans struggle

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iarMg4v7a3QOn Wednesday I spoke with Jaisal Noor of The Real News about the Obama administration signing a $38 billion military aid pact with Israel....

Information or Disinformation? Only 32 Percent of Americans Trust the Media

The News Leaders / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0A Gallup Poll released this week shows the largest decline in trust in the media since the organization...

Complete History of BAYER — One of the Biggest Depopulationist Company...

Bayer AG is a chemical and pharmaceutical giant founded in Barmen, Germany in 1863 by Friedrich Bayer and his partner, Johann Friedrich Weskott. Today it...

New Animal Justice Campaign: ‘Now More Than Ever, the World Needs...

A provocative campaign launched in New York calls for justice for animals, saying they feel emotions just like humans do.Rising above 1500 Times Square...

U.S. Government Awards Over $22 Million To Monsanto Whistleblower, Activists Demand...

By Amando FlavioSome say it is hypocrisy, others say inconsistency and double standards on the part of the United States government.In February 2016, the...

The Percentage Of Working Age Men That Do Not Have A...

By Michael Snyder, on September 7th, 2016Why are so many men in their prime working years unemployed?  The Obama administration would have us believe...

WikiLeaks: The US Strategy to Create a New Global Legal and...

WIKILEAKS CHANNEL Forbidden Knowledge TV | Sep 5, 2016 | Alexandra BruceAmerica is trying to bypass the WTO by creating the biggest international agreements that...

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