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Whistleblower in the Drug Industry

This short video gives an example of how drug companies operate. The second video is on Dr. John Rengen Virapen's bestselling book: Side Effects:...
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We are once again seeing a rise in reporting/scaring the population about the subject of Ebola. Why is this? Good question! If you want...
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3D printing is possible for houses & buildings –

3D "printing" to make houses - this is a good start. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLIwaIOKfYc 
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The Worm has turned

 This article is from Veterans Today - long but well worth reading. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/09/30/alien-agenda-vi-the-worm-has-turned/  The Coming Exposure, Containment and Deconstruction of the Illuminati   by Preston James   Note: This article is written...
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The Prepare For Change Newsletter is Here! September 29, 2014

A LETTER FROM KARIN LACY AND FINAL PUBLIC RESPONSE FROM NOVA BISCOTTI I appreciated your long response letter. It's interesting that your impression was that I...
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Why listen to Mark Passio – you should

  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOYTHg8cadY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiCnrn6LkUo http://www.whatonearthishappening.com   This is Mark's website which has hundreds of hours of podcasts and video's to educate yourself on:•  The components of our own Consciousness •  How...
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Re-thinking MONEY

Rethinking Money points out that there is a way, in fact a thousand ways, to stop our current juggernaut towards global self-destruction. There is a system...
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Robs New Blog Post : The Victory in Shasta

Dear PFC Family,The Mt. Shasta Ascension Conference was a major victory of light and a success. Please read about it and see...
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New study that claims to debunk the bra-breast cancer link ironically...

This article is for the ladies…… After being told for years that there is no connection to breast cancer from wearing bras, new research now...
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Anonymous Official Movie – How to Kill the Illuminati/New World Order

This is important! This is a video that clearly explains the difference between authoritarianism and anarchy. It is over an hour long so sit...

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