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P.S. on Scalar Etheric/Archonic Implants……..

Additional Implant information from GrantBlessings, Angel EyesHi all,I have been working on a solution to the Scalar Etheric/Archonic Implants that Cobra speaks about: http://2012portal.blogspot.co.nz/2013/10/planetary-situation-update-etheric-plane.html I...
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We Will Not Have a 3rd World War

(Thanks to J-F Simard for passing this on:   http://colloidalmagic.com/)We Will Not Have a 3rd World WarAccording to a recent article on Natural News,...
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Saturday August 23 – Prayer For Peace (Make This Viral!)

(Many thanks to Judy Bowden for passing this on!)Please send this viral through your social medias, websites, blogs, emails and to hosts of websites...
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Just for fun……. Test your nutritional knowledge

What are the vegetables most adept at blocking human cancer cell growth? Do you know? Check out this 9 minute video for the answers. We can...
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Suppressed Evidence Connects GMO Feed to Sterile Livestock

I have read that 90-95% of corn and soy crops in the USA are now GMO. The following article tells of an Iowa farmer...
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The NSA is developing an automatic malware-killer

The NSA is developing an automatic malware-killer When turned on, it will shut down the agency...(Exerpt form CodeProject newsletter. The intel came from Snowden)
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The Prepare For Change Newsletter is Here! August 11, 2014

Global Greetings Everyone,This is Dov writing for myself and Raissa of the The Renaissance Group.Each week we bring forth thoughts to stir the imagination...
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Ebola, the Vaccine from Nazis, by Anonymous*

This is a majorly inflammatory article but I feel it needs to be seen and read by all. It is well documented by other...
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Technology inside – part 2 – live testimony

This one it'll be short:  proof about what a body suit technology is - a good video to start with - live testimony:Click here
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The eyes of the world are watching……

In this 6.5 minute video pictures are shown of Comet 67P.This so called comet acts in ways that are not characteristic of a comet.The...

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