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Lisa Renee

Declaration of Freedom for All – Lisa Renee

The below statement of consent is from Lisa Renee's blog post. As humans we are governed by Universal Laws, one of which is the...

Final Battle Update

Galactic Confederation and Resistance forces are making good progress in eliminating the Draco fleet and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC). The vast majority of...

The Riddles of the World and Anthroposophy

By Rudolf Steiner as suggested by one of our subscribers: Lucifer Berlin, 22nd February 1906 The Persian legend speaks of two contrary divinities, of Ormuzd, the good...

Trump Win Probability and Manifestation at Galactic Completion

From Magenta Pixie: Magenta asked the Nine to clarify further, regarding a recent social media post she put out. This resulted in several downloads and...

Arcturian Directive 207 Revelations

From Awakening5DHealing.com: We welcome all to the higher realms of existence on the material plane. We welcome all to vibratory fields of light, love, joy...

The 9D Arcturian Council: Atlantis & The Orion Wars Are Back

From EraOfLight.com: “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very satisfied with the progress that we...

Nyla Nguyen Interview: Navigating 3D Events to Master 5D Consciousness

https://youtu.be/0sne8LVTHD8 Nyla Nguyen is a Twin Flame, an old soul and a Light Warrior here to assist the planet and its inhabitants in this ascension...

Energy Update Riders on the Storm

From awakening5dhealing.com: The Transit of Venus completes her powerful cycle of elemental regeneration. We transit with her, elemental in our own divine transformation. Our inner...

The Day of Judgment is Near

By Klos’thiel En Ra El, Dearest Brothers & Sisters of Light, We now are living in the End Times, the Time of Tribulations that precedes the...
Yoda may the light be with you

A New Cobra Interview – 28th July 2020

Just after our Age of Aquarius activation, a joint Cobra / Dr. Joseph McNamara interview was conducted by FESIG group. You can listen to the...

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