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Yearly Archives: 2014

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An Open Letter To Evangelists Who Come to “Prepare For Change”...

I know the title of this post will get a bit of attention, but for anyone looking for anything funny, sarcastic, or inflammatory you...
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Only The People Can Save America! – The Line in the...

Only The People Can Save America! - The Line in the Sand (NB - I am quite late in posting this to the PFC Website,...
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HELP!!!! I’m being forclosed upon.

I recently had this e-mail and I wanted to thank them for asking so I can pass this information on to anyone that may...
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The Prepare For Change Newsletter is Here! November 17, 2014

Angel Eye's Healing Wish ListGood News Everyone!The Angel Eye's Healing Wish List is now a permanent part of the website! Thanks to all the...
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Arizona – How states can “push” back from Federal govt.

http://www.voicesofliberty.com/article/one-election-result-no-ones-talking-about-but-actually-mattered/ One Election Result No One’s Talking About (But Actually Mattered)November 13, 2014—Elections have consequences, and those consequences rarely promote individual liberty. But one result...
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Solar Power like you’ve never seen before – yea!!!!

http://themindunleashed.org/2014/09/is-this-the-breakthrough.html The days of bulky, expensive solar panels that were heavy and required harsh chemicals to produce and a lot of labor to install may...
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7 ways our children (& us) are being brainwashed

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A Veteran Tells the Truth about War

https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10151968966863908&set=vb.131929868907&type=2&theater 4 min to watch this - Thank you for telling the truth.  I feel there is such a higher percentage of PSTD in our...
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International Translators Request From PFC

Bones.... "This dang unversal translator button wont work! Dammit Jim I'm a doctor not a Translator"Dear PFC Family,We here at PFC have been...
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Solar road Opens in the Netherlands

http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/12/tech/solar-road/index.html  Solar road opens in the Netherlands  STORY HIGHLIGHTSThe world's first road to convert sunlight into energy opens in the Netherlands It's a small patch of a...

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