In Part 3 of this series, we present the magical, conscious apple and artichoke and their little known, but powerful health benefits.
In Part 1 of this series, Your Vegetable Garden Is Magical and Conscious, we introduced you to Medical Medium, the quite unconventional book author and health consultant named Anthony William. A mysterious man (named Compassion) has talked into Anthony’s ear since Anthony was four years old.
The Magical, Conscious Apple

The Anti-Inflammatory Apple
Apples are terrific for their anti-inflammatory properties, so they make an excellent choice when you are faced with nearly any illness. Encephalitis (brain inflammation), IBS (intestinal inflammation), and viral infection, which can result in nerve inflammation all can be helped by apples. Apples can calm your inflammation by reducing the viral and bacterial loads that create inflammation.
The phytochemicals in apples help the human brain. These chemicals feed neurons and increase electrical activity. The red pigments in apples have anti-obesity properties which increase digestive strength and also encourage weight loss.
Apples Detox and Hydrate
Apples also hold traces of flavonoids, rutin and quercidin. These three compounds are responsible for detoxing heavy metals and radiation. And apples contain amino acids that help rid the brain of MSG. This humble fruit does many “mechanical” things too, such as cleanse the colon and help you expel debris that hides in intestinal pockets. And don’t forget how hydrating apples are.
You can try eating 3 apples a day for a while and see how you do! You may find some magical results in your inflammation, your weight, your overall aches and pains and your digestion.
Picking Apples: A Magical and Conscious Act
Pick your own apples at a “u-pick” organic orchard! Picking your own apples is a wonderfully magical and conscious activity that is very grounding. The best apples are red skinned, with deep red color. The skin of freshly picked, unwashed, pesticide and wax-free apples contains elevated microorganisms that assist your gut and immune system.
The Magical, Conscious Artichoke

Artichokes Help You Relax and Sleep
Artichokes are magical and conscious too and have powerful health benefits.
Many of us have been aware of the high magnesium content of artichokes. Artichokes have a sedative effect, not only from the magnesium in them, but also from the sedation phytochemicals that calm all body systems, as well as artichokes’ other calming minerals. The minerals in artichokes nourish in particular the dense organs, including the pancreas, brain, live, spleen, adrenals and thyroid.
The pancreas in particular benefits from artichokes, and artichokes are then an ideal food for people with diabetes, hypoglycemia, and other blood sugar imbalances. They help reduce kidney stones and gallstones, as well as calcifications and scar tissues inside the body.
Artichokes Work Against Radiation
Besides calming you and benefitting a number of your organs, artichokes help protect the body from the radiation of x-rays, from the radiation of cancer treatments and dental treatments and other common radiation exposure.
Buying and Preparing Artichokes
If you buy prepared artichoke hearts that have a preservative such as citric acid, soak them overnight in water to get rid of this corn-derived irritant. The most nutritious way to prepare fresh artichokes is to steam them. Then, just peel off the leaves, dip them in your favorite healthy dressing and then eat the “meat” at the base of each leaf. Then scrape off the choke and eat the heart.
If you enjoy artichokes for dinner, they help your liver purge and clean itself in the early hours of the morning, while you sleep. So, for best results, eat them at 7 pm or 8 pm in the evening. Eat artichokes along with romaine lettuce to help dissolve gallstones and kidney stones.
Here is one of many articles about how to buy artichokes and prepare them. Enjoy!

Source of information for this article: Medical Medium: Life Changing Foods, by Anthony William
Megan Edwards has written other healing and health articles for Prepare for Change including Part 1 of this series, Your Vegetable Garden is Magical and Conscious; Part 2 of this series, Four Magical and Conscious Foods; an article about tachyon healing energy: Tachyon Chambers: The Big Upside to Tiny Tachyons; and that spice, tumeric: How Tumeric Kills Cancer and How to Optimize Curcumin Absorption.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Actually, the ‘Apple a day” slogan was a marketing strategy devised by apple companies during prohibition, since previously apples were primarily used to make alcoholic apple jack.
Thank you, Megan Edwards, for this joyful juicy article. Makes me want to bite into a red apple.There’s a saying that goes like this “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. I’m eating an apple almost every day, core and all. It’s great picknick food to take with you on trips. Occasionally, I share an apple with a horse or a pony. Yammie, they love it!
I throw the little stem near the foot of a tree always. So far, no doctor’s visit ?
I wonder why New York is called “The Big Apple” Does anyone of you know?
Great, Devon. We all know apples are really healthy — sometimes they are so obvious we forget about them! No, I don’t know why New York gets this title. Upstate NY has a lot of great apple orchards, though, with “pick your own” opportunities. Artichokes are good too, and suprisingly healthy, which you can read about. I’m writing a series of these articles, taken from the fascinating information in the Medical Medium books. Have a great (apple-eating) day! =Megan=
I can make myself useful. New York because the city is full of temptations.
You’re welcome.