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Monthly Archives: February 2021

Op-Ed on CV19 at a Glance

Compiled information from a concerned PFC subscriber: Op Ed on COVID-19 at a Glance By Angela, US January 1, 2021AlarmingWith all the information out there masses of...

What Are Ascension Symptoms? – Friday Night Open Discussion Call

 Prepare for Change has a new discussion group for the purpose of connecting like-minded people in weekly zoom calls. Now is a time of The...

Amazon pledges $2B for affordable housing in 3 US cities

Interesting. SEATTLE (AP) — Amazon has announced $2 billion in loans and grants to secure affordable housing in three U.S. cities where it has major...

New Treatment for the CV: Chloroquine

Yes, I know most of you already know this information so don't roll your eyes yet.  This may be a good video to show...

Once Were the Living – Documentary from Spacebusters

Once Were the Living is a documentary that is spreading on the internet like wildfire. In this video: The story of the 4th Industrial...

Stop Cancer: Bicarbonate Miracle and Cancer – Part 1

By Dr. Mark Sircus,Sodium bicarbonate is a surprisingly useful tool for treating and preventing cancer. The basic reason that sodium bicarbonate is such a...

Flaws in C Pandemic Theory

In depth research as provided by one of our subscribers:David [email protected] 8.5. June 6, 2020https://theinfectiousmyth.com/book/CoronavirusPanic.pdf1. Executive SummaryThe world is suffering from a massive delusion...

Planet Lockdown Documentary Film

Catherine Austin Fitts discusses the Wuhan Corona virus use as a tool to herd the world into accepting multiple changes to how we live....

Time Magazine Article admits Election “Fortified” by Secret Cabal – Amazing...

When are we going to wake up to what is really going on America? When are we going to truly see that the groups that...

This video will go down in history as one of the...

This video is an outstanding example of what the media is feeding to the masses and how they should all be treated.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=el4O9pSpX6U&feature=emb_titlehttps://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1360815669294596096?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1360815669294596096%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.investmentwatchblog.com%2Fthis-video-will-go-down-in-history-as-one-of-the-best-red-pill-videos-of-2021-that-we-should-all-be-playing-on-loop-for-the-sleeping-masses-to-see-regardless-of-political-affiliation%2F

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