From Project Camelot:



A native of the San Francisco Bay Area, Patricia Cori is a world-renowned author, public speaker, and activist for the rights of human beings and animals, a warrior for Planet Earth. A proven psychic and sensitive, she has been explored mysticism, philosophy, ancient civilizations, metaphysical healing, spirituality and unexplained mysteries and teaches on these subjects to enthralled audiences around the world.

For over two decades, she has cut a path through the ambiguity of established thought, describing herself as a “conspiracy realist.”

With twelve published books, several of them best sellers, she is considered a wayshower and luminary of these times, and her work is embraced for its dedication to challenging the status quo and opening new vistas on human awareness.

She is a prominent figure in the Awake & Spirit Communities, well-known on the international lecture circuit—actively offering courses, seminars and workshops internationally on a vast range of topics, which reflect her broad knowledge of alternative methodology in healing and her remarkable gift of helping others rekindle and ignite the flame of power within us all.

Patricia has been recognized and celebrated as a gifted shaman by indigenous spirit teachers of the Tibetan, Mayan and Peruvian traditions and has been embraced by the shamans of Palenque as one of the four spirit guardians of that sacred site. She has guided people through sacred sites in Asia, Mexico, Egypt, Europe, Peru the crop circles in England, and dolphin swims in the Azores, to contemplate the potential of interspecies interaction and our heightened sensitivity to the world that surrounds us. In every case, she has opened the portals and helped people experience the other side of the veil.

Her books The Sirian Revelations (published by North Atlantic Books), have enjoyed worldwide acclaim as wake-up call material for the expanding consciousness of humankind, and are considered “must have” reading for a global audience of seekers. She’s also a professional screenwriter, with one project in pre-production, another in development and she’s just completed a screen adaptation for a novelist.


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. URGENT : Intel Update Global Security Clearance 74, Global Intelligence Agency –

    August 15, 2021 NO RV HAPPENING, COVID


  2. While visiting the site of Tamarinde Maassen, one of the Agarthan born ambassadors, who came to the surface of planet Earth with her family companion Theodor, as small children, as far as they've offered information about their background, the how, when and why of their mission, I found one of Tamarinde's quotes, that struck me deeply. Especially the last sentence. To me, enlightenment isn't a static state of being, but a quality of being that is in motion, always developing further. A verb.
    I believe that we, as humanity, are doing our homework on what's described in this quote:

    "To become Spirit again represents the greatest gift that a human being can offer to itself throughout its existence. The memory of what the being is in its essence, dwells in each of us. We just have to remember. Abandoning the limitation of the human mind is the first step towards the manifestation of the greatness of the Spirit in each person’s life. This stage represents a quintessence of the accumulated teachings throughout the human experience.
    “The enlightenment is not a desire; it is a consequence of the way of living!”

    Tamarinda Maassen

    I know that in 2018, an article about Agartha, by Rob Wold, was published here in PFC's pages.
    For those who welcome a refreshment on this subject of inner earth civilisations, I leave a link:

  3. Thank you for the video! It may be even worse than the restrictions mentioned in the video though.

    Covert intel from Hal Turner is stating that they are indeed planning forced vaccinations through the military in the United States. There are already job positions of "Intermittent/Resettlement Specialists." I didn't want to give into this scenario because I thought it was just fear mongering, but in light of this new evidence it must be taken seriously. This is where 'the rubber meets the road.' What's it going to be? I will be in the present moment, as I'm benefiting a great deal from re-reading Eckhart Tolle's book, but I will also be prepared. Countermeasures by the light forces are hopefully in place…


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