Home Authors Posts by Dane Arr

Dane Arr

Dane Arr
Inventor, Designer, Astrologer, Writer, Web Developer, Artist, Entrepreneur, Father, Husband, Grandpa and all around mad creative, born under Pieces at 5:55 degrees in California USA.

Establishment Empire

America is now under the control of a Secret Empire that is Evil beyond imagination and which threatens the well-being and survival of every...

The Zionist Takeover of European Nationalism and the Mohammad Cartoons Plot

 AustraliaFirstParty.netWe publish in full an article written by Nick Griffin  for the Alliance For Peace And Freedom (APF), an association of Europe-based nationalist parties. ...

Physicists Examine Consciousness and Conclude the Universe is ‘Spiritual, Immaterial and...

When we look at the weird and wacky world of quantum physics, it can be hard to make sense of some of the things...

This 2016 Presidential Candidate Will Blow You Away with His Proposals...

What if there were a 2016 presidential candidate who proposed banning fluoride, aspartame and fracking, protecting the right NOT to be vaccinated, working with the...

Shocking New Snowden Confession: “Climate Change is a Hoax by the...

National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden has made a new controversial claim yesterday during an interview, saying that he possesses some classified information proving...

Ayahuasca – Ethnobotanical Medicine May Treat Neuro-Degenerative Conditions

It should be noted that Ayauhasca has VERY diverging unique traditions across the ENTIRE Amazon asin, it is NOT limited to Peru, Colombia, Brazil...

7 Health Benefits of Vibroacoustic (Sound & Vibration) Therapy

Like waves of vibration that are eternally connected and influenced by one another, our understanding and appreciation of vibro-tactile healing has ebbed and flowed....

CIA Pilot Swears Oath: Planes Did Not Bring Towers Down On...

Former CIA and commercial pilot John Lear has come forward and sworn an affidavit stating that the Twin Towers were not bought to the...

Compelling Video Exposes The Harm Of Objectifying Women

The #WomenNotObjects campaign wants advertisers to know that consumers are fed up with how females are portrayed in the media.  You may not personally...

Long Form Birth Certificate Question – Who are you?

There are two certificates– The Certificate of Live Birth and the Birth Certificate (Short Form) BOTH are securities and BOTH are bonds.By Anna Von ReitzThe difference...

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