Home Authors Posts by Derek Knauss

Derek Knauss

Derek Knauss

Huggies Now Selling Smart Diapers With Bluetooth Sensors Even Though Radiation...

By BN Frank,The idea of “Smart Diapers” for babies dates back a few years.   As noted in a recent Vox article, Huggies is now...

See the Aftermath of a Fireball Meteor Exploding Above the Clouds

by Matthew Taub In December 2018, over the Bering Sea along eastern Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula, a fireball meteor exploded with a force of more than...

Breaking News Communique Issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of...

Catholic-Anglican Ninth Circle Pedocide Cult to hold global conclave in Vancouver, Canada - ITCCS Sheriffs to intervene and seek assistance of local police to...

Full Moon Meditations and Monthly Remote Healing Sessions

From our friends at We Love Mass MeditationHere is a reminder for this week's Full Moon meditations and remote healing sessions with Ascended Masters and...

The Matrix at 20: how the sci-fi gamechanger remains influential

Carrie Ann-Moss and Keanu Reeves in The Matrix. Photograph: Warner Bros/Sportsphoto Ltd/AllstarBy Scott Tobias with The GuardianIn 1999, the sci-fi thriller became an instant...

New Film “Renegade” About The Life of Legendary Conspiracy Researcher David...

From The Activist PostPremiering this April across the United Kingdom and United States is Renegade (https://renegade-film.com/) – the first authorized documentary exploring the life...

Why should you join mass meditations?

https://youtu.be/9ylx3i4LH5sResult of mass meditation on Hurricane Florence and Super Typhoon Mangkhut This is a video created by a group of dedicated Lightworkers in Asia,...

New Daily Emergency Meditation Focus: Protection for Montauk Daniel

Montauk Daniel, one of David Wilcock's insiders has been diagnosed with colon cancer. He tried to apply alternative treatment for a month. Unfortunately, the...

Meditation over the period of Beltane to anchor Goddess Light and...

From: we love mass meditation. Beltane marks the beginning of summer which is the season of growth and life for crops, animals, and people. It...

TIME SENSITIVE! Buddhic Columns on members of Black Nobility families from...

Information provided by welovemassmeditation.comUpdate: It is important to put up protection before doing the Buddhic Columns meditation on members of Black Nobility families. You...

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