Home 2019 January

Monthly Archives: January 2019

U.S. Police Under Pressure to End Their Relationship With Israel

Police departments have been sending their leaders to Israel to learn about the country's counterterrorism strategies since the 1990s. But growing opposition is pushing...

The Death Trap and How to Avoid It

Condensed from Wes Penre WebsiteWhat usually happens when we die is that Spirit Guides, who are more often than not AIF (Alien Invader Force)...

Study: Dental painkillers may put young people at risk of opioid...

By Ronnie CohenDentists who prescribe opioid painkillers to teenagers and young adults after pulling their wisdom teeth may be putting their patients at risk...

Gold Makes Money Honest

Why Gold is Money ~Fiat money creates an immoral society ~Money with real value is crucial Counterfeited Money The proper definition of money is, a vehicle...

Resignations rock US civil rights institute after it strips Angela Davis...

Three members quit the board of the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute after its controversial decision to first grant, then to rescind an award for...

Dracos Strike back: France PM Moves to Impose Draconian laws to...

With the French prime minister now announcing coming draconian measures banning all protest, this is precisely the horrific scene that could begin to be...

CDC’s Own Expert Vaccine Court Witness Confirmed Vaccines Can Cause Autism,...

By Catherine J. Frompovich,Sharyl Attkisson, an intrepid and forthright journalist, formerly with CBS TV News, has been persistent in her media exposures regarding vaccine-caused health problems,...

$3.5 Trillion A Year: America’s Health Care System Has Become One...

If the U.S. health care system was a country, it would have the fifth largest GDP on the entire planet.  At this point only...

Real Estate SLOWDOWN in U.S. and Canada! This is the END...

The housing bubble was over the top. I heard countless stories of people in Toronto basically paying anything for a property as if they...

Benjamin Fulford Report 1/7/2018: Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid next...

The Bundy Ranch villain and traitor, former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, is going to join John McCain and George Bush Sr. and be...

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