The Magical and Conscious Radish
The magical and conscious radish is presented here, in part 4 of this series about magical and conscious foods.
In Part 1 of this series, Your Vegetable Garden Is Magical and Conscious, we introduced you to Medical Medium, the quite unconventional book author and health consultant named Anthony William. A mysterious man (named Compassion) has talked into Anthony’s ear since Anthony was four years old.
That Round Red Root: It’s the Radish
Radishes are really two magical and conscious foods, because they have two parts, each with its own healthy characteristics. First, the root of the radish plant, what most of us call the actual radish. This is the round, usually red, crunchy part– and it is loaded with substances that replenish the immune system.
The sulfur in radishes repels any type of pathogen it comes in contact with. It is also a wormicide. Sorry that we are talking about worms and how they might be inside you, but they might be inside you. Yes, truly gross. But! the sulfur in radishes kills off intestinal worms and other parasites.
Radishes are Food for the Heart
Meanwhile, the organosulfides in radishes help keep arteries and veins clean, and create a protective barrier in blood vessels, to ward off plaque from blood vessel linings. Thus, those pretty red radishes are great for the heart and excellent in preventing heart disease. They help increase good cholesterol and decrease bad cholesterol.
And then we have the radish skin! The radish skin helps repel virtually every type of cancer. So these little red and purple vegetables are a go-to food. They also help restore the kidney, liver, pancreas and spleen.

The Radish Greens: Eat Them
A lot of people throw out the radish greens. Wrong! The leaves of the radish are second only to wild blueberries in their power of prebiotics. Radish greens hold a huge range of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxydants, phytochemicals, and cancer-fighting alkaloids. The greens also possess antibacterial and antiviral properties.
The greens of the radish help repair the colon and other parts of the intestinal tract that have lost the ability to absorb nutrients. Because radish greens’ nutrition can be absorbed into the most dysfunctional intestinal tracts, all those nutrients in radish greens are able to assimilate into the body.
Radish Greens Help You Win the Battle Against Heavy Metals

Radish greens also help cleanse heavy metals from the body! The heavy metals we are talking about are some of the worst substances that most of us are fighting. The heavy metals are in our environment: mercury, lead, arsenic and aluminum. Radish greens are almost as powerful as cilantro in removing these heavy metals. (And heavy metals are a main contributor to all kinds of problems: tremors, Parkinson’s, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and Lyme symptoms.)
Radishes are Easy to Grow
We’re growing some radishes now and harvesting one or two each morning. Pick them when the greens and radishes are young and tender, when their nutrition is at their peak. You want to pick them before their skin gets tough, their flesh fibrous and before the greens are overgrown. So plant those seeds, tune into the radishes as they grow and pick them at the right time! Rinse them in cold water, very lightly, before you eat them. Rinsing them very lightly will keep the very tiny, health-giving elevated biotics on the radish leaves.

Radishes in Smoothies!
So here’s my little secret. Radishes are great in morning smoothies! We pick one or two when they look ready to be picked. We wash them lightly to keep some of the elevated biotics intact, on the leaves.
Our smoothie recipe varies a bit each day, but usually it’s something like this. Two whole radish plants come out of the garden and receive a light wash. They go into the blender with some organic apple juice, carrot juice, and some cilantro (cilantro is tops for removing heavy metals). Then we add some frozen wild blueberries (which I talked about in Part 2 of this series), some frozen blackberries, tumeric (good stuff, that tumeric and more about that here) and some freshly cut ginger. A fresh and delicious smoothie awaits you.

Source of information for this article: Medical Medium– Life Changing Foods, by Anthony William
Other Articles By This Author
Megan Edwards has written other healing and health articles for Prepare for Change including Part 1 of this series, Your Vegetable Garden is Magical and Conscious; Part 2 of this series, Four Magical and Conscious Foods; Part 3 of this series, The Magical and Conscious Apple and Artichoke; articles about tachyon healing energy, Tachyon Chambers: The Big Upside to Tiny Tachyons; and Telegram From the Tachyon Chamber; and that wonderful spice, tumeric: How Tumeric Kills Cancer and How to Optimize Curcumin Absorption.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Yum. Radilicious! Thank you Megan Edwards, I truly hope PFC members start growing their own food and share, when they haven’t started yet. I’m sure we’ll be grateful for preparing ourselves, securing our warmth in belly and form of shelter, home or cave.
The slight sharpness of radishes, although the organic ones can really wake you up! is similar to the sharpness of watercress. Both excellent for a healthy ❤
I was surprised to learn all that I did about radishes. They are so easy to grow (even in small pots, for people in the city) that it makes sense to think about them more. Happy health to you.
Try black radish,what I call black turnip,Spanish radish Raphanus Sativus.Not widely available for two reasons.Most people do not like it and farmers wont grow it as it is tricky crop in regard to moisture control.Which means from beginning do water them mildly but when they form bulb go easy on water or they will split or grow hollow inside and rot.They are easiest crop to grow,they will grow all year in temperate climate.They taste like mild Horseradish and much stronger taste in winter time.Some of them will go to seeds,let seeds to mature until dry.Do not bury seeds in soil just scatter them occasional watering and watch them grow.I have grown one of them 2.7 kg on composted sea weeds Sargassum weed and Kelp mixed with soil.Peel black skin of use grater some fresh lemon or lime juice and olive oil,no salt.Even when you cook them they still retain body cleansing property as raw one.Similar to Wormwood.In fridge they last long time,but I prefer fresh ones,and let others go to seed.Giving seeds to every one free who wants to grow them.And finally I do not claim that this black turnip cures FAKE CORONA VIRUS.
Awesome! I am buying myself a bunch of radishes when I go to the market tomorrow. 🙂 They are in season here.