“Spiritual symbols are by their nature an intuitive and universal language that can be understood once more. And at this point we have an important choice to make: we can either gain the knowledge of the cosmic principles that these symbols contain, or remain unaware and influenced by those who use this knowledge for dark purposes.” ~A Pritchard

Supermodel Kate Moss looking demonic and posing with an inverted crucifix, whilst dressed as the bride of Christ.
Supermodel Kate Moss looking demonic and posing with an inverted crucifix, whilst dressed as the bride of Christ.

Spiritual symbols are powerful. Beneath the veneer of social norms they are being used in a hidden war. Not only have dark forces propagated the symbols of black magic into millions of unsuspecting homes, but additionally many of the world’s great spiritual symbols of light have been demonized.

For thousands of years forces of darkness have tasked themselves with the aim of destroying spirituality and suppressing consciousness. They have infiltrated spiritual groups, organizations and schools (such as the Freemasons, the Catholic Church etc.); have hijacked their spiritual texts, teachings, symbols and knowledge; and have then shut it away, distorted, destroyed and suppressed it.

What we have been left with is a trail of smeared esoteric knowledge and infiltrated spiritual schools throughout human history, where spiritual symbols of light are given a bad name, inverted and used against us.

All is not what it seems

The way they have used symbols can give a good insight into how those behind the destruction of spirituality do their work. Sometimes they make good seem bad by demonizing and creating negative connotations with good. Sometimes they make bad seem good by glamorizing and glorifying what is bad. And sometimes they hide the bad within the good by working behind and through structures that are good on the surface.

All of this creates a mass of confusion where people who don’t know any better are turned against the knowledge of the light (the very thing that can help them), idolize things of darkness, and devote themselves with the best of intentions to institutions that are not what they seem. It is then a very serious thing to look deeper into the matrix.

Cosmic origins


CorruptedSymbols12Symbols have an origin deeper than many suppose. They are not just there to convey an idea or concept. They contain universal principles, which is what gives them their powerful properties. For example, many of them can be found in the movements of the cosmos—the planet Venus traces a pentagram in its movement in relation to planet Earth every 8 years, the swastika is found in the movement of Earth through its annual solstices and equinoxes, and the yin and yang is a map of the light and dark halves of the year.

So why are cosmological symbols like the pentagram and swastika now associated with evil, and genuinely dark symbols, like the upside down crucifix and number of the beast, so in right now.

Symbols used for darkness and for light

Countless near-death experiences, out-of-body experiencesancient texts, religions, spiritual wisdom traditions, and now even areas of scientific theory, have confirmed that there are other dimensions of co-existence that are populated by beings—both angelic and demonic.

Everything we can see around us, including ourselves, is multi-dimensional—it’s just that we are usually only aware of the physical part. Like everything else, symbols that are drawn here are visible in other dimensions, and according to the symbol, can attract or repel other dimensional forces and beings.

“The average person does not even suspect the occult properties of emblematic pentacles. On this subject the great Paracelsus has written: ‘No doubt many will scoff at the seals, their characters and their uses, which are described in these books, because it seems incredible to them that metals and characters [symbols] which are dead should have any power and effect. Yet no one has ever proved that the metals and also the characters as we know them are dead, for the salts, sulphur, and quintessences of metals are the highest preservatives of human life and are far superior to all other simples.’” ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

The symbols of darkness marketed into millions of homes

Hero of a nation, trendsetter and idol of millions of boys – David Beckham sports an upside down pentagram, symbol of the descent of man/woman into the abyss. Image source
Hero of a nation, trendsetter and idol of millions of boys – David Beckham sports an upside down pentagram, symbol of the descent of man/woman into the abyss. Image source

The fact that symbols and numbers which attract dark entities are being used more and more in pop culture doesn’t just indicate that there are dark forces behind these industries; if it did, there would be little advantage to those promoting them. Instead, their promotion brings these symbols into millions of homes, even billions, around the world, where they attract forces and beings of darkness into the lives of unsuspecting people.

The symbols of light are trashed and ridiculed

On top of this, the symbols that attract the powers of light are also demonized and trashed (along with those who use and teach about them). Esoteric things for good are made out to be kooky, cultish and weird, whilst the dark symbols and rituals of evil are promoted as fashionable and cutting edge. Because symbols of light have the power to attract the forces of light, they also have the power to banish the forces of darkness. Stigmatizing them strips away the ability for people to use symbols of light to defend themselves against evil forces.

In this way humanity is being both deceived and dis-empowered.

A 101 on the dual use of the most common spiritual symbols

One tell-tale way to pick a symbol of black magic is if it is a symbol of light but inverted. Darkness, in a spiritual sense, is light inverted; thus it too has its own power for those who learn to access it. Those who awaken in light utilize the powers of light and goodness, whilst those who awaken in evil utilize the dark side of the universal energy (the “dark side of the force” as it was referred to in Star Wars).

This snapshot from the music video ‘Die Young’ by pop singer Kesha is a good example of how symbols of light are demonized. The symbol of an upright pentagram hangs in an old church where Kesha engages in orgiastic acts.
This snapshot from the music video ‘Die Young’ by pop singer Kesha is a good example of how symbols of light are demonized. The symbol of an upright pentagram hangs in an old church where Kesha engages in orgiastic acts.

Because the nature of darkness is the inverse of light, it follows that dark symbols will be those of light inverted.

“In symbolism, an inverted figure always signifies a perverted power… The black magician cannot use the symbols of white magic without bringing down upon himself the forces of white magic, which would be fatal to his schemes. He must therefore distort the hierograms so that they typify the occult fact that he himself is distorting the principles for which the symbols stand. Black magic is not a fundamental art; it is the misuse of an art. Therefore it has no symbols of its own. It merely takes the emblematic figures of white magic, and by inverting and reversing them signifies that it is left-handed.” ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

The Pentagram

==The transit of Venus in relation to the Earth makes a pentagram every 8 years. Image source
The transit of Venus in relation to the Earth makes a pentagram every 8 years. Image source
n inverted pentagram which is used to attract beings of darkness.
An inverted pentagram which is used to attract beings of darkness.

The pentagram so synonymous with evil and witchcraft, is really a deeply cosmic one found in the movements of Venus (the Morning and Evening Star) in relation to the Earth.

When pointed downwards it attracts demonic entities. It represents the fall of the human being into hell/the abyss, and the rule of matter (the upper four points of the star) over spirit (the one downward point).

“This figure (the pentagram) is the time-honored symbol of the magical arts, and signifies the five properties of the Great Magical Agent, the five senses of man, the five elements of nature, the five extremities of the human body. By means of the pentagram within his own soul, man not only may master and govern all creatures inferior to himself, but may demand consideration at the hands of those superior to himself. The pentagram is used extensively in black magic, but when so used its form always differs in one of three ways: The star may be broken at one point by not permitting the converging lines to touch; it may be inverted by having one point down and two up; or it may be distorted by having the points of varying lengths. When used in black magic, the pentagram is called the “sign of the cloven hoof,” or the footprint of the Devil. The star with two points upward is also called the “Goat of Mendes,” because the inverted star is the same shape as a goat’s head. When the upright star turns and the upper point falls to the bottom, it signifies the fall of the Morning Star.” ~ Manly P Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

An upright pentagram symbolizing spirit over matter and the ascent of a human to heaven.
An upright pentagram symbolizing spirit over matter and the ascent of a human to heaven.

When pointing upwards, it is the human ascending towards heaven/the spiritual realm, matter under the guidance of the spirit, and the unification of the human with divinity. Today it is still used to repel demons (I personally wear one and hang one in my room)—so is it any wonder it has been turned into a symbol of public scorn and suspicion?)

The pentagram is a good example of how demonic entities take the knowledge of light and truth, and distort it to destroy it. As you will read below, they have also hijacked many other spiritual symbols in this way.

The All-Seeing Eye

The logo of DARPA’s first attempt to set up a national surveillance system. The Latin beneath the pyramid reads ‘knowledge is power’.
The logo of DARPA’s first attempt to set up a national surveillance system.
The Latin beneath the pyramid reads ‘knowledge is power’.

The hallmark symbol of the “powers that be”, the “New World Order” and “Illuminati”, is the all-seeing eye. It appears this once ancient spiritual symbol became hijacked when Freemasonry was infiltrated. Today it has been distorted to have another sinister meaning.

A comparison of a cross section of the human brain and the eye of Ra symbol from ancient Egypt. The design is very similar showing that this eye was really used to symbolize an inner spiritual vision given by the pineal gland.
A comparison of a cross section of the human brain and the eye of Ra symbol from ancient Egypt.
The design is very similar showing that this eye was really used to symbolize
an inner spiritual vision given by the pineal gland.

When used by the hidden hands behind the “New World Order” it symbolizes the knowledge of darkness, which is accessed and kept by a few elites who use it to control the rest of humanity beyond their comprehension. The logo of the first attempt to set up a national surveillance network by DARPA was the all-seeing eye atop a pyramid. The phrase that accompanied it – scientia est potentia (knowledge is power); the knowledge of the “dark side of the force” also brings with it huge power, and demonic entities use it to control others.

But this symbol, which surfaced in ancient Egypt as the eye of Ra, also has a spiritual meaning – one that empowers a human being rather than enslaves. It represents the inner spiritual eye, sometimes called the “third eye”, and includes the pineal gland—now well known to be linked to our connection to higher realities and states of consciousness. It is depicted as one eye as there is just one of them (not like our two outer eyes), and looks incredibly similar to the design of the Egyptian eye of Ra. This third eye can be awakened through a spiritual work and allows someone to see and perceive beyond the material world.


The Great Seal on the United States dollar bill. The monetary system brought in along with this has created a debt with it that is enslaving the world.

The symbol of the pyramid is usually accompanied by the “all seeing eye” which sits at its peak. Again the pyramid has a dual meaning.

To the “New Word Order” the pyramid is the hierarchy of power and of evil. Demonic entities work within a hierarchy that extends from other dimensions, into the physical world. This is why the eye is often seen separated from the rest of the pyramid, signifying the real control coming from beyond the material plane.

CorruptedSymbols7Spiritually the pyramid can represent a number of things. They have been built by ancient spiritual cultures around the world where they were extremely sacred places. Whilst they were later taken over by degeneracy and sinister forces, pyramids originally signified the descent and ascent of consciousness on the path to enlightenment. A triangle itself represents the three forces of the cosmos that are central to spirituality: the Father, Mother and Son of the universe, represented in sacred trinities throughout the world such as the Christian Joseph, Mary and Jesus, and Egyptian Osiris, Isis and Horus, that are unified within in the spiritual work.


Pop star covered in upside down crucifixes and doing a symbolic gesture in covering their eye – creating the all-seeing eye.
The ‘key of life’/ankh at the temple of Kom Ombo in Egypt (copyright Hedwig Storch).
The ‘key of life’/ankh at the temple of Kom Ombo in Egypt (copyright Hedwig Storch).

Like the pentagram the cross is another symbol that when upright is of light, and when turned upside down/inverted is of darkness. The upright cross has appeared not just in early Christianity, but in many different spiritual cultures that preceded it including ancient Briton, and ancient Egypt as the ankh.

When inverted, like the pentagram, it is the fall of the human being into hell/the abyss. Although many argue it originated from the way Peter the disciple was said to have been crucified, which was upside down, it is also used in black magic. Demonic entities wish to see every human being enter hellish regions, and to destroy the spirituality of the cosmic Son wherever and whenever it has appeared. This is why you’ll find sinister powers promoting and relishing in the distortion and destruction of sacred spiritual teachings and symbols like the crucifix.

When upright the cross is the tree of life—the conjunction of the three forces of the cosmos: Father, Mother and Son. It is a symbol of the inner death of the ego and the resurrection of a person to the imperishability of the spirit.

Left Hand vs Right Hand

An ancient statue of Osiris with his right arm crossed over his left (copyright Olaf Tausch 1April2009).
An ancient statue of Osiris with his right arm crossed over his left (copyright Olaf Tausch 1April2009).
A depiction of a demonic entity in hell/the infra-dimensions with its left arm crossed over its right.
A depiction of a demonic entity in hell/the infra-dimensions with its left arm crossed over its right.

In esoteric literature there are many references to a left-handed path, and a right-handed path. Initiates of darkness walk the left-handed path and are symbolized with a left arm or leg crossed over the right. Initiates of light walk the right-handed path and are symbolized by a right hand crossed over the left.

Depictions of someone with their arms crossed over their chest can be found as far back as ancient Egypt, where pharaohs and deities were portrayed with their right arm crossed on top of their left, revealing the truly benevolent original source of the civilization’s incredible knowledge.


CorruptedSymbols2And finally the swastika, which is one of the most stigmatized symbols that exists today due to its use by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. This is a prime example of someone who was interested in esotericism (Hitler), but who obviously had no spiritual level and instead caused its mass demonization. The swastika has been depicted throughout numerous ancient cultures, including most famously Hinduism. It is not an evil symbol at all whether spinning clockwise or anti-clockwise, but portrays a cosmic principle of movement.

Taking back the heritage of sacred knowledge from the hands of darkness

An upside down pentagram cleverly concealed in a Catholic Church in its highest place of worship where it brings down demonic forces. Image source
An upside down pentagram cleverly concealed in a Catholic Church in its highest place of worship where it brings down demonic forces. Image source

The destruction of the knowledge of how to awaken consciousness is absolutely central to the work of darkness. The smear campaign that has been waged by demonic entities and their initiates in the physical world against those with the knowledge of how to awaken spiritually has been fought since recorded history. On one hand initiates of light struggle to bring peace, freedom and enlightenment to the world. On the other, initiates of darkness seek to destroy their efforts and instead enslave humanity. To this end, schools of light and knowledge have been infiltrated, smeared, persecuted, and destroyed from within, their symbols inverted, distorted and demonized, and texts outlawed and suppressed.

That’s why today we are witnessing black rituals at music awards, the perversion and distortion of spiritual symbols in pop culture, the erosion of the values that came to society from spirituality, the utter emphasis on raising generations absorbed in materialism from birth, and the move to a humanist one world religion that is stripped of any esoteric (empowering) knowledge.

We can however, take back the ancient heritage of knowledge from the hands of darkness. Spiritual symbols are by their nature an intuitive and universal language that can be understood once more. And at this point we have an important choice to make: we can either gain the knowledge of the cosmic principles that these symbols contain, or remain unaware and influenced by those who use this knowledge for dark purposes.

About the Author: Angela Pritchard is an author and researcher into the universal nature of spirituality and consciousness. She is the co-author of two books on ancient sacred mysteries. Her primary focus is on experiencing spirituality firsthand, including through OBEs, and she has been dedicated to this for the past 10 years. She aims to uncover the hidden roots of what’s really driving the agenda in society and the world in relation to the war on consciousness and awakening, and writes alongside her husband on the website Belsebuub.com.

From shiftfrequency.com

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