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Pump the grid with love and light

About 20 years ago, I began to notice that I seemed to see 111 or 1111 with some regularity, whether it was awakening from...

The Big Sift Is Here – We Have Entered A New...

December of 2012 was a significant period in time for some. There was that general feeling shared by many, that something big was about...
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The French Resistance Movement/ PFC Leadership Team Joins Anonymous March

Dear World Wide PFC Team,Please note some of our Leadership Event Support Group Team Members were in France supporting the Cause for freedom from...
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Water Power, Zero-Point Energy and the One People Absent Limits (O.P.A.L.)...

 Â In Water, Plasmoids and Zero-Point Energy, on Day 1 of the 2013 Global Breakthrough Energy Movement,  Moray B. King stated   "Unlimited energy is embedded...
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Best Exotic Clean Energy Technologies

Free Energy Technology editor Sterling Allan, of Pure Energy Systems News (peswiki.com) provides a valuable service to humanity and very possibly the most comprehensive listing...
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A World of Golden Opportunities Awaits You and All of Mankind

PREPARE FOR CHANGE!‪We are living in times of great change and great potential. Many people have come to the realization that the path upon...
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To our New Leadership Group Members

Dear New Leadership Group Member,I welcome you to the PFC change website and more specifically to the PFC leadership group. The fact that you...
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Community Leaders Brief: FAQ 1. Consciousness Shift and Changes

 Category 1:  Consciousness Shift and ChangesCommunity Leaders Brief: Frequently Asked QuestionsDirectory to the 10 Planetary Leaders Group General Categories with Positive and Negative Aspects for:Consciousness Shift...
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Community Leaders Brief: FAQ 2. Environmental Effects

Category 2:  Environmental EffectsCommunity Leaders Brief: Frequently Asked QuestionsDirectory to the 10 Planetary Leaders Group General Categories with Positive and Negative Aspects for:Consciousness Shift & Changes:...
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Community Leaders Brief: FAQ 3 Financial

Category 3: Financial Community Leaders Brief: Frequently Asked QuestionsDirectory to the 10 Planetary Leaders Group General Categories with Positive and Negative Aspects for:Consciousness Shift & Changes:  Video...

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