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Tune in to the Repurposing show with Chris Hales this Sunday...

To learn about some interesting vortex opening and energy shifting work being done at Cobra's request, tune in to the Repurposing Show 22/23 Sept...
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Preparing for Change in New Zealand

Hello everyone!We have a small community formed in New Zealand and have had a few meetings so far. We are looking forward to the...
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A gift for our Romanian Participants

Victoria Luminii! Vino impreuna cu noi pentru a contribui la o schimbare pozitiva în zona dumneavoastra.Formeaza un Grup de Sprijin al Evenimentului!Schimbari minunate si holistice...
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Free Energy Developments

From: Portal 2012There is a great project with the purpose of bringing free energy devices to the people, created by Hope Girl and Fix...
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Special Announcement

We have now added social media buttons. We are now able to network live all over the world. This is a very important new...
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Planetary Situation Update Part 1

From: Portal 2012As predicted, massive operations of the Light forces have begun as September started.The Eastern Alliance sprang into action. The Eastern Alliance is...
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Galactic Synchronization Ray

Galactic Synchronization RayThis video is made with excerpts from the movie: SOLAR (R)EVOLUTION by renowned German biophysicist, Dieter Broers.Well explained in this movie is...
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Changes in Context: Local and Cosmic Events and Evolving Trends

This video talks about agenda 21, and the most recent climatological trends both on Earth and in the rest of the solar system.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-RvUedfKpk&width=550 To highlight...
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Indonesia CVAC

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Invitation from the Light

August 25, 2013 at 10:50am Admirably Heroic Astral Bright Brothers and Sisters of ours...We are the Aristandros and Danae Twin FlameFirst of all, we want...

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