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Monthly Archives: July 2016

Cobra: Terms of Surrender Update

There are some clarifications that need to be made about the terms of surrender.First, the mass arrest plan is still valid and in full...

The loneliest star revealed in Milky Way bulge (Galactic Central Sun?)

From NASA’s infrared survey and telescope data, scientists have detected an unusual celestial object in a bulge at the center of the Milky Way…...

The Reptilians – Why they are so obsessed with Bloodline and...

by David Icke The reptilian and other entities, which are manipulating our world by possessing “human” bodies, operate in frequencies between the Third and Fourth densities.These...

“The Real Terrorist Was Me And The Real Terrorism Is This...

Many of us have been awake to the reality of the world being dominated by a Cabal, using control of the media , banking...

New World Order America: Satanists Now open city council meetings

Wake Up America! This is what your Satanist NWO government is now pushing down your throat:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eagy7Y9QVgo

Americans now spending BILLIONS on natural health remedies including superfoods and...

As more and more Americans are starting to realize that conventional medicine does not hold the answers to their problems, their spending on natural...

Cobra – July 24th update on Taiwan Conference and Turkey.

Our Ascension conference was taking place in Taipei, the home base of many positive Dragon groups. The Blue, the White and the Black were...

Pokemon, Pornography and the Depopulation Agenda

Another level has been breeched by the CIA and their crazed agenda to undermine all human freedom and decency. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9sbF9nDPOY

Archangel Michael: Neither Turkey Nor Nice Were False Flags

 July 24, 2016 by Steve BeckowIn a reading I had with him through Linda Dillon on July 22, Archangel Michael startled me by explaining...

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