“Our Journey Into The Light..Expanded Consciousness & Awareness..
Awaken Beloveds Let us Journey into the Light as One.. ?
Love is the Light. ॐ Love Expands us All and illumines our Souls with Grace, Connection, Reverence and Absolute Bliss ~Wisdom ~ Light..”
The Beauty that Surrounds you is but a Mirror of what is in your
Heart….. May we Journey forth in Grace, Beauty and Harmony with Nature. (( ” Let us Truly Love One Another” )) ” Mike Harrigan
Shinning a light of truth and taking corrective action is the path to our salvation and the path to everlasting life.
It is time to take corrective action and make right the systems based in lies, half truths the systems based in fraud, embezzlement, and entrapment.
The Truth shall be told and the truth shall set us free, “this speaks very strongly to women today, that the power of their witness, the power of their testimony to speak up for a truth, can have effects that ripple down through the centuries.”
“Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute but a devoted disciple who supported Jesus financially and spiritually, scholars say”
What is keeping us from asking tough questions Like?
- Why are we still waiting for a “Savior” or an “Event” before we take corrective action?
- Why are those involved with the not so secret “Secret Space Program” holding off on full disclosure?
- Why are we not looking at “The Royal Wedding”, “The Wall”, the “Hillary Scandal”, ect as a distraction to allow the “5G Control Grid” also known as the “Smart Grid” rolling forward without a hitch?
- How many “False Flag” wars need to take place before we hold the warmongers accountable for their lies and hold them accountable for their war crimes?
The political system Democrat vs Republican, Liberal vs Conservative ect. have been strategically created to keep people in division and create opposition. It is just another way to divide the populace to maintain duality. Which is just another way to distract the populace from seeing the truth about the corruption driving our profoundly sick society.
The world is a stage and we are mere actors upon it. There is no “Foreign Government” there is only a “Ruling Elite”. So many know the truth and others are oblivious to how they are being manipulated by the “Shadow Government” driving world events. This slave and slave master mentality has been imprinted into the psyche of mankind to keep the “commoner” in a perpetual loop of discontent. Why would we allow our status as “creator” to be reduced into that of “Common Folk”? Also known as the common man, commoners, or the masses, are the ordinary people in a community or nation who lack any significant social status, especially those who are members of neither royalty, nobility, the clergy, nor any member of the aristocracy.
So very tired of history repeating itself. When are people going to wise up and stop supporting the insanity of the political system and stop supporting their own enslavement? It would be beneficial for us to inner-stand how the so called “Elite” aka “Dark Nobility” have gotten away with their crimes against the “Common Folk” also referred to as “CITIZENS” of the world with immunity and impunity. To be a ‘CITIZEN” is an open license to be raped, murdered, tortured, and robbed by those that have taken ‘OWNERSHIP” over the Earthship and her inhabitants.
How many people are actually interested in making real change to our way of showing up in the Matrix of lies? Will you have the intestinal fortitude to go over this information that I have shared and take viable action steps towards change?
“Victory to the Light, the “Light of Truth”.
Are all police officers know that they are participating in their own enslavement while they hand over the rest of us on a silver platter?
Man’s identity has been strategically distilled out of us by those that would choose to control and manipulate others.
We must realize that we have been wasting our breath complaining when we could be making claims. We must realize we do not have to accept that which has been created out of deception.
It would serve life for us to all recognize that prophecy is always self fulfilling when it has been planned centuries in advance and we do not have to accept that which has been previously created. We do not have to buy into what has been created to bind our mind and enslave the spirit. We have given over our status as “Creator” to Black Magic word spells.
Where have we fallen short in our quest for self-improvement? It is true that our quest for self-improvement is directly related to how we process our emotions that evolve from our thoughts. ALL words are “Word Spells”. A still mind and open heart is a requirement for self mastery. Being cognizant, being consciously aware, of our thoughts, feelings and the realness of a situation would be a great skill for us to have on your path to self-mastery. Where we have fallen short in mastering our reality is not seeing life for what it is. In the words of Krishnamurti “it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society”. When we make Self-improvement all about improving the body matrix and do nothing to correct the systems driving horrific global events we fall short in our quest for self mastery.
There are many groups within our global and cosmic societies. Each and every individual within this is being affected and feeling the effects of the Ascension process. We are in a relationship with each other. The awakening to self or self realization is happening for everyone. Those that are conscious or the process taking place within the atoms of our body will have an easier time during the Ascension process. Ascension means becoming one with yourself. A divine marriage between personality and the soul. Will not happen as we integrate the programs born of our experience in physicality. We are shining a light of understanding into the programs to be free of them. We are unlocking parts of our self that we did not know existed.
The time has come to make friends with all aspects of creation. The world we are experiencing is the result of our distortion. We have not taken the time to under and innerstand the nature of violence and how we are supporting the separation of the self in acts of aggression. This has had a tremendous effect on our operating system and how we experience in physicality.
It is in our awareness of what is taking place that we can empower our self in the new territory we are finding ourselves. For eons we have been manipulated by those that have chosen to control reality keeping humanity in dualistic thinking and perceiving through language and actions promoting separation having a direct effect on our DNA and effecting the very biology of our body. Are we aware of how we are being manipulated and used as a frequency generator to maintain the status quo? To evolve the biology we must evolve in our consciousness by being more conscious and consciously aware of our relationship with ALL life.
“The Ceremony of Original Innocence takes us back to our first choice, prior to our first breath, reminding us of our true identity – creators rather than victims. The key to this shift in perception is forgiveness, the bedrock of the shamanic journey. To embrace forgiveness is to embody the living mandala of love, upon which is based the fundamental Human ethic, acknowledging your “response-ability” within the interconnectedness of all creation. Although it is possible to be born with the Water Circuits connected they are almost always disrupted by guilt, regret and anger. Reconnecting these circuits clears these negative emotions, liberating relationships from destructive patterns. The reconnection of the Thymus Circuit activates the T-cells of the immune system. This has a powerful effect on health. With the reconnection of the Air Circuits, the pineal-hypothalamus-pituitary complex is revitalised, as the pineal is now enabled to receive the full spectrum of the geometric language of light”.
I do not agree with everything that Ken is saying in his video series. That being said, there is some very good material being presented. This information does offer a solution to what is playing out on our world.
We must under and innerstand how they have gotten away with and are getting away with crimes against humanity and against life keeping us in a perpetual loop of discontent.
When a thief has been caught they must return the good. We must recognize our own emotional and spiritual immaturity that has allowed for our reality to be hijacked. We must come together and demand Restorative Justice, it is time to recover that which has been stolen and restore our life force including money. The money we have earned being stolen through taxation and interest must be returned. The time has come to claim our Ancestral Estate!
The 5 video series presented by Ken Cousens is very informative. Know that you do not have to join a society. Everyone can remove themselves from public state and enter into a status of “privacy” within society restoring the family unity.
Freedom from slavery and debt slavery is all about correcting our “STATUS” and our “STANDING”!
While we are doing the internal work to recover fractured aspects of our ego personality we must also take the time to under and inner-stand how our reality has been hijacked so that we can dissolve the oligarchy system. We do this by knowing that we are source energy and the creators of our reality
We must under and inner-stand how we have allowed so many to get away with crimes against humanity and against life keeping us in a perpetual loop of discontent.
We must under and inner-stand how we have come to believe in a lesser version of ourselves waiting for a higher being to save us from our misery.
If you would like to learn more about what other groups are accomplishing please check out the material I have compiled by following the link to my previous blog post.
Infinite love and gratitude for those that have the intestinal fortitude to take action.
How can we evolve consciousness if we are attached to the way we perceive reality? Our state of consciousness does impact how we perceive our outer reality. Our state of consciousness and our conscious awareness has a direct impact on our biology.
Anita Moorajani is living proof that once we shift our awareness of ourselves we can evolve our body very quickly. In the following Ted Talk Anita talks about how she dissolved cancer tumors and regenerated her body in 5 weeks.
Dying to be me! Anita Moorjani at TEDxBayArea
Who is willing to join me in creating a new timeline by changing the narrative?
It would do the world a world of good to realize that we are each a frequency generators. Exposing the truth is not negative. Emotional and spiritual maturity is needed at this juncture if we wish to support a new reality. We support the agenda (remain in duality and prevent the evolution of consciousness) when we hold on to programmed thoughts. We are the ones preventing the union with the Higher-self when we are being manipulated by the corrupt emotional body. When we are not emotionally and spiritually mature to remain in our hearts when we read that which has been created from separation consciousness we are our own worse enemy. We are the ones that must remain tuned into the frequencies of our higher self to move into vibration alignment..atonement is being one wilth life.
Can we remain centered in our hearts as the light of truth is revealing the darker side of humanity?
It would serve us all to remain calm and level headed as the truth is being revealed to the masses?
Poverty breeds crime so why are we allowing ourselves to be manipulated to support poverty?
Why are we supporting the war on mans intelligence?
It is now coming out that Satanic Ritual Abuse and Sacrifice by the “Global Elite” has been hidden in plan sight.
Why are we ignoring the fact that Government agencies have been strategically created to control the drug trade and human trafficking with the support of the Babylonian Court System?
The mafia does control our politicians and they control those working in Government positions and they support the creation of street gangs?
We are the ones allowing ourselves to be an accessory to the raping, torture, murder, and thievery of our fellow man when our tax dollars are used to support war.
Remaining centered in our love while exposing the matrix of lies while bringing in new codes is the way to shift our reality. Please watch the following video which reveals some new commands to bring forth a new reality.
❤ Cracking the code of the matrix ❤ Action is required ❤
Source: https://doveyou.wordpress.com/2018/05/16/mastering-the-matrix/
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Infinite love and gratitude Edward Morgan! Sending you my light and my love! May the abundance of heaven be ours!
I have held the dream that one day the world would wake up to love…I can NOW see this day has arrived!
I am eternally grateful!
Though I was able to understand some of the basic message conveyed in this article, it was extremely difficult to follow!.. SO many grammatical, spelling, and composition errors made my brain cringe!??
Sorry, but when an article is so poorly written as this, it can mar the credibility of both author and PFC in the eyes of your readers…?
Thank goodness the poor quality of the above example is not the “norm” here!
Peace ?
Once something is written we can take the time to read, learn, think about it. And consider being grateful or not for the work done. But critisizing the way you to, to me is cheap. Write something better.
Excelently stated and presented! Very well done. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Finally it is being shown to all, given to all and worked on by more people to make uplifting, transformational changes for humanity, the earth and all.
Thanks a lot. I translated it in Dutch: