The energy in a tachyon chamber seems to work in concert with the energy of the earth and the solar system and our stars. People have reported they feel the powerful but gentle energy of the tachyons as they lie in the tachyon chamber, but that it feels like it changes each time they lie down in it.
Earth’s Energy Changes as We Head Into Autumn
A meditation teacher who is no longer with us taught years ago about the changing seasons. And now, we’re heading toward the Autumn Equinox. In the northern hemisphere, the energy is gradually dropping, until it hits rock bottom around the first full moon of November. As we head into Autumn, we’re moving toward the “go within” and the “rest and relaxation” (R&R) time of the year, when we can slow down with our emotional lessons, relax more and integrate our learning from the growing season of spring and fall. (People in the southern hemisphere right now are experiencing an upturn in energy, as they head into spring).
Tachyon Chambers Help You Adjust to the Energy
Tachyon chambers, as described at https://tachyonis.org/Chamber.html, support these shifts in energy and help us adjust to the new energy as we move from one season into the next.
Tachyons are guided into each tachyon chamber through a satellite uplink, which directs and geolocates the tachyons to each specific tachyon chamber around the world.
Tachyon chambers let you receive tachyons, which are subatomic particles that travel faster than light. Tachyons influse physical matter — you — with spiritual light. Changes and improvements occur on the subatomic level. Because tachyons decrease entropy (they decrease the breakdown) of physical matter, they reverse the aging process and strengthen the human immune system.

So let’s hear it for tachyons!
The Quantum Flux Resonator
There is another device that assists with healing, too. This device is the quantum flux resonator (QFR). The QFR calms down the quantum field and this helps the tachyons work without any interference. It is explained at https://tachyonis.org/Resonator that the QFR is not tachyon technology — the QFR approaches the quantum field from a different angle.
Some of the tachyon chambers have a QFR that goes along with the tachyon chamber. People who have been clients at the tachyon chamber in Petaluma, California told me the tachyon chamber feels more powerful now, with the QFR. They simply feel the additional power when they lie down in the tachyon chamber.
There are now seven tachyon chambers in the United States, available to the public. The full list is of tachyon chambers around the world is here: https://tachyonis.org/Chamber.html

Unusual Beings During a Tachyon Chamber Session
Recently some clients also at the Petaluma, California tachyon chamber have reported experiencing “unusual interactions” with beings that are communicating with them while in the tachyon chamber. The beings are generally described as “there to help us heal.” One person reported that she lay in the tachyon chamber and felt herself taken to a very Grecian feeling room that contained a lot of tall beings in it, there, making contact with her. You can read about her experience here on the Testimonials page of the Petaluma, California tachyon chamber’s website.

Emotional and Spiritual Improvement Occur
Besides the healing that we generally think of as physical healing (such as healing from chronic pain or from another type of physical injury), the tachyon chamber is helping people figure out emotional situations and relationships. One person mentioned recently that he figured out some people who had been in his life a long time, who were, unfortunately, attached to unhealthy behaviors, could be released from his life. Others have made strides in figuring out life goals and making big decisions about where to live. “It’s okay if we sell the house,” decided one man, who had been tortured with indecision for some time.

List of Tachyon Chambers, Worldwide
Find a tachyon chamber near you and make an appointment!
The following are some of the tachyon chambers in North America.
And you can read the full list of tachyon chambers worldwide, here: http://www.tachyonis.org/Chamber.html
Waynesboro, Virginia, USA contact tachyoncounseling.wordpress.com/
Eagle Butte, South Dakota, USA contact www.leadercreektachyonchamber.com/
Scottsburg, Oregon, USA contact thetachyonportal.com
Petaluma, California, USA contact agelesstachyoncenter.com/
Georgetown, Texas, USA contact [email protected]
Sechelt, British Columbia, Canada contact [email protected]
Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada contact goforwellness.mykajabi.com/
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada contact www.tachyontemple.com/
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