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Finding Your Pathway To Optimum Health

Releasing Dis-Ease 'Blockages' To Your Healthiest YOUCRNA Jo Ann was showing me how to set up for a case at the VA when I...
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What moves you?

As a college student many years ago, I fell into a deep dark cave. I let the dark consume me because it was easier...

An Example Of Energy Healing: Reiki And Cancer

Reiki and Cancer What is different about this cat? Look very close.Does it look right?Or is something a little off?This is from a local art...

Why does FREQUENCY have an impact on our health?

Sunday, 5 January 2014 posted by AlexandraA UNIVERSAL TRUTH We are all interconnected at the most fundamental level of being and consciousness. Cosmic interstellar to intracellular-...
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Financial Tyranny http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1023-financial-tyranny

 Read and study David Wilcox for an excellent comprehensive investigation on Finance - and the Tyranny we have been under. When we can understand...
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Visualize Energy Of Healing

Something to AddLast night I read an article in the magazine, Whole Living. It was the January/February issue, titled: All in a Day's Work...

Healing For Today

What Is 'Energy Medicine'?Before the prism was invented, modern man had no idea that white light was composed of seven different colors of the...

Microwave Energy And Your Health

The Microwave Oven Experiment At My Friend's Kitchen Last NIghtThe cell phone tower looked like a fake lego tree on the ridge next to...
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The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part I: The Eight Families

I so appreciate the many people who have helped to bring to light a more accurate picture of how our money system "works". It's...
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Duality: bye bye

Historically speaking great change has transpired in conjunction with financial decay. Cases in point include the situations in the American colonies prior to the...

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